The CFFA would like to thank member John Guljas for taking the time to prepare and develiver on another impressive talk around the skills of lake craft. John presented a excellent talk on the key things to prepare and look out for during the best time of year on the lakes, Spring.
We would also like to thank Bruce Smith for donating his specially tied flies, which represent every stage of life for the Mayfly. We would also like this thank Hooked On Bait and Tackle for supplying the fly box to store these flies for the raffle prize.
Former President Ian Scott, presenting Bruce Smith with an amazing bit of Art which was done by Ian.
Ian presented the gift to Bruce with thanks to everything he has done for the CFFA since joining and also his contribution & sharing of knowledge to the Victorian fly fishing comunity.
We would also like to thank all those that attended and made this such a great night for all.