Tonight, we hosted the Riddells Creek Cubs on their first venture into fly fishing. The chosen venue was of course Riddells Creek itself.
Alison (Leader) introduced the Cubs to Myself, Andrew and Mark.
We showed the Cubs what fly fishing flies looked like and separated into three groups with Andrew teaching fly casting with the clubs micro rods and Mark and myself taking a group of Cubs each down to the creek following the obligatory safety talk.
We were greeted by a chorus of frogs and the cubs recognised that as a healthy waterway. Cubs then took turns in netting invertebrates from the creek with damsel, mayfly, caddis and stone fly nymphs being present. Water snails, shrimp, water boatmen and the ever present mosquito fish made up a healthy list.
Mark then demonstrated how to fly fish before we went back to our catch and compared flies what was in our buckets before returning them to the water. This was followed by a CFFA pin/badge presentation to all the cubs and their leaders.
A great night and we’re already looking forward to getting back in the water with the Cubs.