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July GM – Josh Hutchins (Aussie Fly-fisher)

By July 23, 2015August 3rd, 2015Blog

The July GM has seen celebrity fly fisherman Josh Hutchins pay a visit to to our clubrooms in Gisborne, and what a night it was.
Delivering a truely inspiring talk, Josh gave us a intimate presentation on his travels around the world, and the mesmerising fish stories that accompanied them.
From Argentina to Iceland, the golden dorado to the Australian Murray Cod, Josh’s passion for fly fishing shone through with both his words and his exasperated joy in the pictures of him holding his amazing catches.


To say he is an inspirational character would be an understatement. Josh both encourages and challenges those who want to chase their dreams.
After listening the stories, and seeing our members enjoy them, it has even inspired myself to at least fish as many rivers across Victoria this season as possible.


On behalf of all the CFFA members we thank Josh for making his down to cold old Melbourne, and delivering one of the CFFAs most memorable presentation.