Woodend will host the event at the Buffalo Sports Stadium, 1-29 Forest Street, from
10am to 4pm on Sunday 2nd October 2022
The Expo is FREE and Open to All.
Intended to promote the sport of fly fishing, the Calder Fly Fishing Association 10th anniversary Fly Fishing Expo has
attracted a great deal of interest and already secured the appearance of many well known fly fishing people. Among them world champions, specialist equipment suppliers, the Victorian Fisheries Authority and Fish Care. Guides Wilderness, MsGuided and Indulgence. A not-for-profit group, Mending Casts, who promote fly fishing as a well-being therapy for people recovering from cancer.
Imagine a lake, river or rippling rocky mountain stream, the graceful curve of a fly line with fly snaking out in a loop across the water, a swirl, a splash and then the successful catch and release of a trout. Are you intrigued by the technique of fishing with a near weightless fly using only the weight of the casting line and the flex of a matching fly rod? Interested in the knowledge required to “match the hatch” of the trout’s favoured bugs; the aquatic nymphs, larvae and beetles that inform the fly patterns designed to fool a trout? Did you know that you can use fly fishing techniques for fishing in saltwater? Maybe you’re a practising fly fisher who would like to learn some more from the experts?
This will be your chance to watch up close and try casting and fly tying, peruse or buy latest equipment, attend expert presentations, and maybe buy a lucky raffle ticket for a fly rod, fly tying vise or other prizes.
Tight lines and we look forward to seeing you on the day!